Bremen’s artificial intelligence industry at a glance
How much AI do SMEs really need?
Keeping Flyline on course – managing director Michael Spring © Frank Pusch
February 5, 2019: Bremen-based Flyline can look back on two decades of success and expansion. The wholly owned subsidiary of British Airways (BA) started out as a call centre with 30 employees. The company chose Bremen as its base because the clearest German is spoken here, managing director Michael Spring says with a chuckle. In the beginning, Flyline was the result of a restructuring process through which BA aimed to modernise and increase efficiency. Before long, Bremeninvest was lending a hand. The economic development agency helped the company to merge its original sites near the university and in the Vahr district of Bremen. From the outset, the plan was to establish a large BA contact centre at Airport-Stadt Bremen. Today, Flyline Tele Sales & Services GmbH employs 400 permanent staff at the Bremen airport business park. In this interview, managing director Michael Spring outlines the company’s history and the challenges it is currently facing.
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