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12.04.2021Live stream from the special exhibition “Up to Space” of the Universum® Bremen on April 12, 2021
10 years of Yuri’s Night Bremen and the 60th anniversary of the first human space flight. We need to party! This time, Yuri’s Night Bremen beams itself and four passionate experts from Bremen’s space community directly into cosmos. The hybrid event will be a mix of live interviews, recorded clips and virtual interaction with the audience, and will be streamed live from the special exhibition “Up to Space” of the Universum® Bremen from 7:00 p.m. on its YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/ypUasmnJt0E
The line-up of the event:
Four exciting space talks, a virtual tour through the special exhibition “Up to Space” and the opportunity for the audience to interact with questions via live chat are the fuel for an entertaining evening. The party popper rocket is show presenter Roland Kanwicher, who will take care of the fun in between the talks together with Daniel Bindel from Yuri’s Night Bremen e.V. and Tobias Wolff, exhibition director of Universum®. (The event will be in German) • Charlotte Bewick, OHB SE: Weltraumschrott – ein großes Problem und viele kleine Lösungen • Christian Eigenbrod, ZARM, Uni Bremen: Zur “Psychologie” des Feuers • Anja Frost, DLR: Fledermäuse im Orbit: Wie ein Radarsatellit funktioniert • Renato Avila, Airbus Defence & Space: Creating Intergalactic Highways (talk will be in English) Die Party-Rakete ist Moderator Roland Kanwicher, der zusammen mit Daniel Bindel von Yuri’s Night Bremen e.V. und Tobias Wolff, Ausstellungsleiter des Universum®, für ein bisschen Spaß zwischen den Vorträgen sorgt.
- Charlotte Bewick, OHB SE: Weltraumschrott – ein großes Problem und viele kleine Lösungen
- Christian Eigenbrod, ZARM, Uni Bremen: Zur “Psychologie” des Feuers
- Anja Frost, DLR: Fledermäuse im Orbit: Wie ein Radarsatellit funktioniert
- Renato Avila, Airbus Defence & Space: Creating Intergalactic Highways (talk will be in English)
Further Information can be foung on the website of the Yuri’s Night Bremen e.V. as well as on the Universum® Bremen website and here (in German): https://universum-bremen.de/yuris-night-bremen-2021-am-12-april-live-aus-dem-universum/