10th Aviation Forum – Digital Edition
17. 11. 2020 - 18. 11. 2020
At the Aviation Forum 2020, we expect around 1,000 decision-makers and experts from the aviation industry will meet virtually to discuss future developments and challenges. The group of participants consists of OEMs, manufacturers and suppliers at all tier levels, political decision-makers and thought leaders from Germany, Europe and worldwide.
The Aviation Forum 2020 offers the perfect platform for exchange, networking and establishing new partnerships.
Especially due to the economic consequences of the corona pandemic, it is all the more important to us to bring and to hold the industry together.
The Aviation Forum is known for its high level of internationality and C-level decision makers. Due to the latest developments in regard to the spread of COVID-19, we arrived at the conclusion that a physical event is not the best framework for this forum this year. Therefore in order to re-establish this internationality, we have decided to organize the conference in a virtual format.