Connecting Space Regions – Earth Observation Applications Business Breakfast
17. 11. 2021 8:00 - 10:00
2021 Connecting Space Regions INVITATION
Earth Observation Applications Business Breakfast
Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, 08:00 am – 10:00 am
Location: Parkhotel Bremen, Bürgerpark 1, 28209 Bremen
Are you interested in meeting satellite application companies offering solutions from the Netherlands, Germany, and other European regions? Are you also interested in getting to know more about how governments can stimulate this new young business sector and what kind of instruments they use? Then, join the Connecting Space Regions Networking Series on the topic of:
Earth Observation Applications Business Breakfast
Presentations are expected from:
- Netherlands Space Office (Kathelijne Beenen)
Small Business Innovation Research: The SBIR (Small Business Innovation and Research) is a scheme of the NSO to stimulate the application of satellite data by government agencies. Governments have a concrete question, to which companies formulate an answer in the form of an idea for an application. The most promising ideas receive a subsidy to develop a working prototype of this application.
- Groundstation Dotspace (Martijn Seijger)
Zooming in on ‘Masterclasses’ and ‘Tenderdesk: with opportunities for building international consortia for European projects’. Groundstation Dotspace is an initiative at the NL Space Campus in Noordwijk and is cofinanced by the province of Zuid-Holland. At dotSPACE they have experience in setting up innovation projects in an international environment and have built up a European network of technology sectors over the years. This network consists of companies, knowledge institutions, universities and national and European funding parties and supports potential end-users of satellite applications by leveraging its network to make experience and expertise available.
The event will be moderated by Holger W. Oelze, CEO AVIASPACE BREMEN e.V.
Welcome words by Ingrid Houthuysen (SpaceNed)
Keynote speech by:
Dr. Heinrich Bovensmann, Institute for Environmental Physics, University Bremen.
There are still some spots available for your company pitches. So, if you are a company in the satellite application domain – please do not hesitate to contact and for a pitch slot!
Register under the following link for the event!
Participants can expect Covid regulations in place (3G or 2G). An update on the regulation will be sent in the confirmation email.
About Connecting Space Regions Event Series:
The event series “Connecting Space Regions” aims to foster international cooperation in the area of aeronautics and space and is comprised of official keynotes, presentations and/or panel discussions. A unique longterm B2B matchmaking tool by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) enables participants to expand and foster their business contacts well into the year 2022. Target audience are representatives from aeronautics and space institutions and companies (research, business & startups).
Confirmed Company Pitches:
Johan Leijtens | Lens RnD |
Sabrina Melchionna | Melchionna – Remote Sensing |
Maud van Ees | Survey Intelligence & Analytics BV |
Madlen Benisch | OHB Digital Services GmbH |
Dr. Kimmo Kaario | Huld |
Wencke van der Meulen | Airbus |
Hannah Brocke | Planblue |
Derek Bennet | aac |
Andrzej Chybicki | Gdansk University of Technology Department of Geoinformatics |
Ron Valk | cgi |
Kirsten Drost | S&T |
Eric Acquah | Acquahmeyer Drone Tech |
Taras Matselyukh | OPT/NET |
Adam Okniński | Center of Space Technologies |