„Mars present environment and future exploration“, Keynote by Dr. Maria-Paz Zorzano
16. 02. 2022 13:30 - 14:45
Mars present environment and future exploration
Speaker: Dr. Maria-Paz Zorzano Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)
National Institute of Aerospace Technology, Spain
16 Feb 2022, 13:30 ECT, online via zoom, Registration here via Universität Bremen.
Keynote: „Mars present environment and future exploration“ (abstract attached)
Registration: The zoom link will be send to everybody registered to the seminar’s mailing list, please register here

©Joris Wegner
The seminar takes place every third Wednesday of the month at 13:30 CET online via Zoom and consists of a 40-minute talk followed by a 40-minute discussion.
Mars present environment and future exploration
In this talk we will revise the current knowledge about the environment on Mars, the cycle of water and dust and the availability of critical products for in-situ-resourceutilization and for life, as we know it. We will review observations from orbiter and landed spacecrafts and understand what are the main challenges of exploring Mars. We will credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS also review what are the planetary protection concerns when we explore Mars, and how has the Mars Sample Return program started its way. We will finally discuss the implications of these missions on the future sustainable exploration of Mars.
Maria-Paz Zorzano is a planetary physicist. Her research focuses on astrobiology and planetary exploration and on the interaction of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and radiation with the surface of planetary environments. She is co-Principal Investigator of the HABIT instrument, of the ExoMars Surface Platform and co-I of ISEM of the ExoMars rover (ESA/IKI), co-I of REMS onboard the Curiosity rover (NASA) and one of the Returned Sample Scientists of Perseverance rover (NASA). She is a researcher at the Astrobiology Center, of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), Spain. She is a member of the COSPAR (Committee On SPAce Research) Planetary Protection Panel and of the Mars sample return Science Planning Group-2 (MSPG-2).
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